Welcome to DART
Domestic Abuse Response Training
DART provides specialist training to professionals, businesses, employers, community members and members of the public to provide confidence and knowledge around what Domestic Abuse is and how we can confidently and safely respond to it.
Domestic Abuse is an epidemic and will happen to 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men. It is very likely that you or someone you know has gone through it or will be subject to it. It can happen to anyone it does not discriminate.
There is no time like right now to learn how your responses to Domestic Abuse can literally SAVE LIVES.

With a background of fifteen years in Domestic Abuse Services, including vast experience with both those that have been subject to Domestic Abuse as well as those that have used harmful behaviours towards their partners or family members.
DART, was created to provide comprehensive training to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills to effectively respond to domestic abuse.
We are committed and passionate about making a difference in the lives of individuals and communities that have been and will go on to be affected by domestic abuse.
We can all be part of a community coordinated response to reducing risk to anyone who is subject to Domestic Abuse.